Monday, March 14, 2011

Day 1 ( 2 really)

I did not actually start on my official day one due to a crazy busy schedule, but I need to not let that get in my way! One of my problems is that I am a stress eater, and that is going to effect my weight loss process. I need to get over that hump, and make sure to grab a glass of water if I think I am eating due to boredom!

Today, Monday, was a pretty good day. I ate well at lunch, and did not snack today. When I got home I was "starving," and this is when "bad habits" set in. I did grab a few chips, but then was satisfied. I plan on working out with my sister tonight on the wii, and then actually going to the gym in the am.... I MUST wake up early...I MUST let motivation and determination settle in!

I MUST do this for ME!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

The first night

Well... tonights the night of a new beginning! For the first time, I didn't want to go out because my friends were all sleeping over someones house instead of driving home late at night, and I contemplated going over and over. Dont get me wrong...I wanted to go out. I LOVE going out, laughing, and having a good time with friends, but tonight was different. I was embarrassed. I didn't want to sleep over becuase I have gained so much weight that I now snore. I am tired of being apprehensive. I am tired of being single. I am tired of being overweight. I don't want to have to worry about staying over a friend's, or falling asleep next to a guy in the fear of snoring because I am overweight. So tonight is the night of a new beginning. Tonight starts my journey of becoming fit, healthy, and the quest of finding someone to love.....